High quality Drupal 8 training material in German


Last October Drupal Austria organized a full day-long free workshop for getting started with Drupal 8 in Vienna. drunomics sponsored the event and I had the favor of presenting on Coding with Drupal 8. Meanwhile, Drupal Austria has got the recordings of the workshop up, the result: 4 hours of high-quality Drupal 8 training material in German:

The available tracks are:

Intro - by Nico Grienauer (grienauer)   
Sitebuilding Part 1 - by Philipp Melab (pmelab) & Sebastian Siemssen (fubhy)   
Sitebuilding Part 2 - by Philipp Melab (pmelab) & Sebastian Siemssen (fubhy)   
Theming - by Christian Ziegler (criz)   
Coding - by Wolfgang Ziegler (fago)   
Entwicklungsumgebung - by Philipp Melab (pmelab) & Sebastian Siemssen (fubhy)   

You can find the playlist with all recordings on Youtube here.

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Stop making your own life difficult. Integrate your CI/CD Pipeline with these monitoring tools

Automation26. June 2024
If you do not use a CI/CD pipeline, we highly recommend it. For the past several years our team has set up projects in a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins or Github actions. The tools that we will present in this session have proven to be a good set of automated testing tools for several projects. Over time we have chosen to move away from previous solutions and to new testing frameworks. As part of our commitment to high standards of performance and quality, we are always on the lookout for the best tools available on the market.