DrupalCon 2021 Presentation: XML-sitemap optimizations for large sites


Today (Oct 5) Liopold Novelli and I will give a presentation at DrupalCon Europe 2021 entitled XML-sitemap optimizations for large sites: a case study.

In this study, we outline steps we have taken to both increase the crawl rate and efficiency of the sitemap for a relatively large website.

The solution centers around the simple_sitemap_extensions module. It is a drupal contrib module, initially developed by Mathias Müller. Lio and I continued it. The presentation is the first part of a case study that Lio and I are conducting.

The slides: 2021-10-drupalcon-europe-presentation-novelli-chinquist.pdf


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Stop making your own life difficult. Integrate your CI/CD Pipeline with these monitoring tools

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